Past Projects (College)

This page lists many of my games developed largely while I was in college.

Clover-Man vs. EVIL – A 2D platformer featuring a clover superhero.

Battle Boats
Battle Boats was a project led by Vu Ha as part of Georgia Tech’s VGDev club in fall 2011. I served as the particle effects programmer. It is Flash game featuring teams of boats battling it out in an arena and has online multiplayer capabilities.

Check out the game on for a link to play, view screenshots, and see the full credits.

Beast Battalions
Beast Battalions was a project I led as part of Georgia Tech’s VGDev club in spring 2011. It is a turned-based tactical game featuring robots. The game is designed for 2 human players and should be playable on Windows Vista and Windows 7 systems.

Check out the game on to download an installer, view screenshots, and see the full credits.

Crazy Collector Boy – A game based based on using move movement to collect stuff.

Knock Down the Wall! – A game about knocking down a wall by walking on tiles.

Mini-Hero – A Game Boy Advance game made for a college class.

Fish Food – A falling-blocks game with a fish.

Collect Stuff and Don’t Die – A game programmed in Java for a college class.  It’s name says it all.

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